
Born and raised in Siberia, Russia. After high school decided to pursue further education in USA. My career and research objectives are to advance Artificial Intelligence and Automation industries. Always looking for challenging and meaningful projects. 

Education and Work Experience

  • Master of Science in Robotics with focus on Artificial Intelligence (Graduated in 2016)

  • Bachelor of Science in Physics with focus on Aerospace Engineering (Graduated in 2013)

  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering (Graduated in 2013)

  • Lead Machine Learning Engineer at Nousot (2017 to 2019)

  • Founder at Augmented Intelligence Resource (2016 to 2018)

  • Software Engineer at IBM (2013 to 2015)


  • Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

  • Computer Vision

  • Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

  • Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles

  • Robotics and Automation

  • Mathematical Modeling of Dynamic Systems

  • Computational Neuroscience